Am I Too Skinny for a Mommy Makeover?

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After giving birth, many women are eager to get their pre-baby bodies back. For many women, a mommy makeover procedure can help, especially if stubborn fat and loose skin prevent them from bouncing back despite their best efforts to eat well and exercise.

At Bloomfield Plastic Surgery in West Bloomfield, MI, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Julio M. Sosa helps women who have recently given birth address aesthetic and wellness issues related to their body shape, size, and appearance.

Keep reading to find out if a mommy makeover is right for you and if you can technically be "too skinny" for the procedure.

What is a mommy makeover?

A mommy makeover at Bloomfield Plastic Surgery can help new mothers get a slimmer, smoother physique. Dr. Sosa uses a combination of procedures to tighten areas affected by pregnancy and breastfeeding, such as the beasts, stomach, and abdomen.

Every mommy makeover is different, and Dr. Sosa customizes a treatment plan for each client based on their aesthetic concerns and body type. The treatment plan may include procedures such as:

  • Liposuction
  • Breast lift
  • Skin tightening
  • Abdominoplasty
  • Breast implants

Surgery can take anywhere from 3 – 7 hours, depending on your unique treatment plan.

What are the benefits of a mommy makeover?

The benefits of your mommy makeover will depend on the treatment plan devised for you to address your concerns.

However, in general, patients can see the following benefits after their surgery:

  • Restoration of the body to pre-pregnancy form
  • Tightening of loose or sagging skin
  • Lifted and restored breasts
  • A reduction in stubborn fat deposits in the stomach and abdomen
  • An improvement in the appearance of stretch marks

One of the goals of a mommy makeover is to help new moms boost their confidence.

Can you be too skinny for a mommy makeover?

A mommy makeover is not a weight loss surgery. In fact, ideal candidates are already near their optimal weight and have either a few stubborn pounds remaining or seek to tighten skin that has sagged due to fluctuations in weight.

If you are underweight and it affects your health, you may not be a good candidate for a mommy makeover. The procedure is geared toward those with a healthy BMI who want to remodel their body to lift, tighten, contour, and smooth their appearance.

Who is a good candidate for a mommy makeover?

A mommy makeover is typically performed on women who are no longer planning to get pregnant, are done breastfeeding, and have already worked to get back their pre-baby body through diet and exercise. While weight loss may occur after liposuction, the goal is to rid the body of stubborn fat that patients cannot remove through diet and exercise alone.

Mommy makeovers can also incorporate nonsurgical procedures for those who want to address fat, vaginal laxity, or minimal skin sagging.

Good candidates for the procedures must also be healthy enough for the general anesthesia used by Dr. Sosa. The procedure will require a medical evaluation, cessation of smoking, and an assessment of current medications to ensure it's safe.

Get a mommy makeover in West Bloomfield, MI

If you're done having children and breastfeeding, and are having trouble getting your pre-baby body back, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Julio M. Sosa may be able to help. Using both surgical and nonsurgical procedures, he can help you address sagging, loose skin, stubborn fat, and more.

If you'd like to learn more about which combination of mommy makeover procedures may be right for you, schedule an appointment at Bloomfield Plastic Surgery in West Bloomfield, MI today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.